Bard's Lexicon: Words Shakespeare Invented

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William Shakespeare, the renowned English playwright and poet, is not only celebrated for his timeless plays and sonnets but also for his significant contributions to the English language. Among his many literary achievements, Shakespeare's word inventions stand out as a testament to his linguistic genius. This article delves into the fascinating world of Shakespeare's lexical innovations, exploring how his creative wordplay has shaped the language we use today.

The Bard's Linguistic Legacy

Shakespeare's impact on the English language is immeasurable. His works contain over 1,700 words that he either invented or was the first to use in writing. These shakespeare word inventions have become an integral part of our everyday vocabulary, often used without realizing their Shakespearean origins.

Words Shakespeare Invented

The Art of Wordcraft

Shakespeare's ability to craft new words stemmed from his deep understanding of language and his willingness to experiment. He employed various techniques to create new terms:

  1. Changing nouns into verbs
  2. Adding prefixes and suffixes
  3. Combining existing words
  4. Creating compound words

This linguistic creativity not only enriched his plays but also expanded the expressive potential of the English language.

Shakespeare's Most Famous Word Inventions

Let's explore some of the most enduring and widely used words that Shakespeare introduced to the English lexicon:

  1. Assassination: First used in "Macbeth," this word has become a staple in political and historical discourse.
  2. Eyeball: This seemingly common term made its debut in "A Midsummer Night's Dream."
  3. Swagger: Originally used in "Henry V," this word has evolved to describe a confident or arrogant stride.
  4. Lonely: Shakespeare first used this adjective in "Coriolanus" to express a sense of isolation.
  5. Excitement: This word, conveying enthusiasm or stimulation, first appeared in "Hamlet."

These examples demonstrate how Shakespeare's word inventions have seamlessly integrated into modern English, shaping our ability to express complex emotions and ideas.

Learn more about Shakespeare's linguistic innovations

The Impact on Modern English

Shakespeare's linguistic contributions extend far beyond individual words. His inventions have influenced:

  1. Idiomatic Expressions: Many phrases we use today, such as "break the ice" and "wear your heart on your sleeve," originated in Shakespeare's works.
  2. Poetic Language: Shakespeare's innovative use of language has inspired countless poets and writers, influencing literary styles for centuries.
  3. Everyday Speech: Many of his invented words have become so commonplace that we use them without a second thought.

Shakespeare's Everyday Expressions

The enduring legacy of Shakespeare's linguistic creativity is evident in various aspects of popular culture:

  1. Literature: Contemporary authors often allude to or directly quote Shakespeare's invented words and phrases.
  2. Film and Television: Shakespearean language frequently appears in scripts, adding depth and sophistication to dialogues.
  3. Music: Songwriters and musicians incorporate Shakespeare's words into lyrics, paying homage to the Bard's linguistic prowess.
  4. Education: Shakespeare's works, including his word inventions, remain a crucial part of English literature curricula worldwide.

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The Relevance of Shakespeare's Inventions Today

In our rapidly evolving digital age, Shakespeare's word inventions continue to hold relevance:

  1. Adaptability: Many of Shakespeare's invented words have adapted to new contexts, demonstrating the flexibility of language.
  2. Inspiration for Neologisms: Shakespeare's creative approach to language serves as a model for creating new words in the digital era.
  3. Enhancing Communication: The richness of Shakespeare's vocabulary allows for more nuanced and expressive communication.
  4. Cultural Significance: Understanding Shakespeare's word inventions provides insight into the historical development of the English language.

Words Shakespeare Invented That We Still Use Today


Shakespeare's word inventions have left an indelible mark on the English language, enriching our vocabulary and expanding our capacity for expression. From everyday conversations to literary masterpieces, the Bard's linguistic legacy continues to shape how we communicate.

As we celebrate Shakespeare's contributions, we're reminded of the power of language to evolve and adapt. In our modern era of rapid technological advancement and global communication, Shakespeare's creative approach to language serves as an inspiration for continued linguistic innovation.

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By exploring and appreciating Shakespeare's word inventions, we not only honor his genius but also gain a deeper understanding of the malleability and richness of the English language. Whether you're a writer, educator, or language enthusiast, embracing Shakespeare's linguistic creativity can inspire your own exploration of the power of words.